No big sister? No problem!

Let’s help you find people you can trust!

It’s great to have someone to speak to when you have questions, concerns or when life gets really challenging.

Having a big sister or relative who can give you advice and offer new perspectives is so helpful. Even if you don’t have a big sister, a mentor can often give you the same support and guidance.

What is a mentor?

A mentor is a trusted and responsible adviser who you can speak to about anything. Whether it’s about school, your friends, boys, family or your dreams. A mentor can provide a listening ear, guide you into making the best decisions or even help you find new opportunities!

You don’t have to tell your mentor absolutely everything if you don’t want to, but having that support system available means that if you do decide to open up to someone or seek advice, they are available.

Having a mentor isn’t just for young people, even adults have mentors too! It doesn’t have to be a professional worker or someone far away, just a responsible person around you whom you really trust and believe can give you some good advice.

Try writing down the name of someone who you think would be a good mentor and ask them if they’d like to mentor you!

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