4 Ways to get what you want

How you can speak to your parents & get heard!

We’ve all been there - when you really want your parents to support you on something but you just don’t know how to approach the subject. It can be really scary!

But there’s no need to be worried… parents can actually be an amazing support for you in achieving your dreams. You’ve just got to know how to go about it the best way girl!

If you feel safe and comfortable to give it a go - here’s some tips to help you get the support you need from the people that care for you!

1. Approach them with a grateful attitude
It's important to acknowledge this when asking them for something. It will show that you're appreciative and grateful for all that they already do for you.

For example, try saying: “Mum and Dad, I know you’re busy but when you have a moment, please help me out with my homework”.

Being respectful and considerate can go a long way in warming them up for a yes.

2. Do your research
One of the easiest ways to help your parents understand why you need extra support is to use facts. When using facts to back up your opinion, remember to:

● note your points down
● speak clearly to make sure you're understood
● give examples to support what you're asking for
● listen to your parents, they may have some good points or questions too so give each other space and time to have to speak openly

For example, if you are looking to start a small business, talk to your parents about why you think it is a good idea and show that you’re open to receiving helpful feedback from them.

3. Be flexible and open
If you find the conversation isn't going as you'd like, it’s important to stay calm. You won’t always get a straight forward yes - so remember to be patient and persevere. If your parents say no, acknowledge their views and ask questions so you get a better understanding.

They’ll appreciate that you are listening to their opinions and it gives you a chance to think about a different way that you can explain what you need.

4. Keep them involved every step of the way
You can suggest that you will keep them updated with your progress with whatever it is that you are asking for support on.

This way, they'll see that you are eager to include them in your decision-making. In the end, this is a great way to build trust with those that care for you and can nurture even more supportive relationships in the future.

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