We all need Mentors!

The go-getter-girl's guide to finding the perfect mentor

It doesn't matter if you're 16, or 66, sometimes you just need to talk to someone!

Mentors are people we can trust, and they offer us guidance and support when we need it the most. As our lives change, we often have questions and concerns that we don't want to ask our besties or family about and that is totally okay.

Mentors come in many shapes and sizes and can offer us advice on anything from love, school-work, career paths and body issues. These tips and tricks will help you to find them.

Choosing them
Think about qualities that you admire in people and what you want to learn. Do you dream of being a career-woman? Then you might like to meet a local business person or entrepreneur. Are you feeling shy and insecure? Maybe find a mentor in the performing world who can teach you a thing or two about feeling more self-assured. Are you struggling with school-work or friends? Maybe an older school-girl is just the kind of person you need.

Remember, a mentor can be anyone that you admire from a professional to your next-door neighbour. It’s also totally cool to have more than one mentor as different people can offer you different ideas.

Reaching out
Reaching out to people can feel scary, but asking someone to mentor you is a compliment. Most people will be happy to share their wisdom with you! Check them out online and write them an email or letter. You could also talk to them at an event, or plan a meeting. Always meet them in a public place and tell a trusted person where you are going.

If you don't know how to find someone's details, ask a family member, teacher or friend to help you. Tell your chosen mentor about yourself and your goals and then ask specific questions. If someone doesn't respond, don't lose hope as there are many amazing people around!

It’s a good idea to prepare some questions for your meeting. A great mentor will be open to your questions and will make you feel secure. Trust your gut when you meet them, and if you don't feel comfortable talking about something, you don't have to.

Being proud of yourself and sharing your knowledge too!
You can also be a mentor yourself. The greatest mentors are always learning new things and asking for advice themselves. Your ideas and experiences can help other girls too. Your voice is important!

Most of all, be proud of yourself. You're doing great and thinking about getting a mentor shows your passion for your life and future. You go, girl!

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